Our School Readiness Program – The benefits of Early Education

Our School Readiness Program – The benefits of Early Education

At Discover Learning, we believe that Early Education is so important for ensuring that your child starts ‘big school’ happy and confident. At our Education and Tutoring centre, we provide a ‘Quality First’ School Readiness Program, that allows children to develop physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language skills. These skills are crucial in ensuring your child starts Kindergarten with a head start. Essentially, it sets them up for life! Much evidence suggests that a person’s life successes, health and emotional wellbeing have their roots in early childhood. Caring and supportive environments that promote optimal early childhood development, allow children to transition easily into school. This, in turn, promotes children’s chances of achieving better learning outcomes and success both in school and beyond.

What are the benefits of Early Education?

  • Socialisation – children have the opportunity to overcome shyness and interact with many different children.
  • Cooperation – children learn how to share and take turns.
  • Holistic development – children develop socially, emotionally, physically and mentally.
  • Enthusiasm for lifelong learning – children grow up with a love of learning, reading and discovering.
  • Teamwork – children learn how to work with others.
  • Resilience – children learn how to deal with challenges.
  • Self-esteem – children are able to explore their talents, skills and interests in a fostering environment.
  • Exposure to diversity – children learn to value difference and diversity.

Chances are, your little one has already begun the transition to Kindergarten. Our School Readiness Program is designed to support, consolidate and extend this learning. Before your child starts their School Readiness Program, they are assessed against both the EYLF Developmental Milestones and the foundational literacy and numeracy skills that will be taught in Kindergarten. Our experienced Early Childhood and Primary School teachers place your child into one of our  levelled School Readiness classes, where the children are working towards similar targets. Just like our Primary and High School children, our Early Discoverers have a Discover Learning plan which is regularly reviewed and updated.

What can you do at home to encourage your child’s growth and development?

  • Play dates – encourage children to play cooperatively with other children. Children get a chance to socialise and learn how to take turns.
  • Books: Expose your child to books to prepare them for literacy and instil a love of reading from a young age.
  • Early preparation: Start preparing the child for school by talking about expectations at school, appropriate behaviour, and regularly engaging in ‘sit down’ activities.
  • Outings: Prepare the child for school excursions by going to places such as the library, the zoo, the shopping centre and help the child to understand appropriate behaviour in these environments.
  • Fine motor skill development: This is an area that children need a lot of development in. Children need to have experience of cutting, colouring, drawing, and writing their name.
  • Visual strategies: Use visuals (such as picture schedules) to help the child understand the routine of their day both at home and at preschool (kindergarten).

Contact us now and come and see one of our fun-filled, hands-on School Readiness class in action!


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